Creative Digital Marketing Solutions
To Grow Your Business

What We Do

SMALL is the new BIG

Small and medium-size businesses such as yours add value to our society at a grassroots level. At Ceriva Tech we enhance this value creation, by directly helping your business compete and grow in its niche market through customized marketing solutions.

Our Clients

VNCT Global

Real Estate Developer, Chennai - India

Social Engagement, Brand Awareness, Lead Generation (India and International), Driving Website Traffic via Paid Promotions.


Clothes E-Commerce Portal, Mumbai - India

Funnel based Targeted Website Traffic via Paid Promotions, Social Engagement, Brand Awareness, Social Media Catalog based promotion, Website Development and Maintenance.

Ocean King Distillers

Distillery, Goa - India

Website Development and Maintenance. Brand Awareness via Social Media.

Geetha Nagu

Entrepreneur, Chennai - India

Website Development and Maintenance, Social Engagement, Brand Awareness, Paid Promotions.

Our Approach

Our clients continue to work with us not for what we do, but for how we do it. However complex the business requirement may be, we strive hard to keep the solution simple! The time-tested, result oriented process we follow in crafting customized marketing solutions for our clients is as follows :


A problem well understood is half solved! Hence we devote adequate time in listening to your unique needs and business goals. At this stage, we ask all the questions necessary that enable us to understand, deliberate & formulate a rough sketch of the road ahead.


Together is always better! After having well understood the task at hand we now collaborate with you to create a best possible solution. At this stage, we combine your business intel and our marketing expertise to craft a data-driven, result oriented marketing strategy for us to succeed.


A plan is worth its salt only when executed right! However elaborate or straight forward our approach may be, we leave no stone unturned in ensuring it works just like clockwork - from start to finish.


To err is human, to course correct divine! We continuously and cautiously analyze every milestone along the road map with an open mind. Should, we fall short of our expectations we don’t shy away from rolling our sleeves and going back to the drawing board again.

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